Planetarium Shows

October 2023 Planetarium Shows

All planetarium shows begin at 7:30pm.

Admission opens at 7:00pm; $5/adult, $3/student, 6 and under free.

Telescope viewing afterwards on clear nights.

October 7 – There’s Annular Solar Eclipse coming, what should I know?

Join us as we look forward to next Saturday’s annular (partial in Huntsville) eclipse. Learn why an eclipse happens and how you can safely enjoy this one next week.

Presented by Beth Bero

October 14 – Kids Night at the Planetarium

Bring your kids out for a night at the planetarium just for them. We will learn about the current night sky constellations and have some fun!

Presented by Delisa Collette

October 21 – Magic Carpet

We can use the star projector in the planetarium to pretend to fly anywhere on Earth – like a magic carpet! Abbie Cone will demonstrate the motion of the stars across the sky at the equator, the north pole, and the southern hemisphere. We will also watch how the sun changes positions at these locations. You may be surprised if you haven’t actually been to the equator or the north pole in person! This program will put the star projector to work and allow us to see its unique educational capabilities.

Presented by Abbie Cone

October 28 – Spooky Skies!

Boo! We will take a curious and kid-friendly look at the darker side of the night sky. We will explore some ancient legends, check out some ghostly nebulas and learn how both ancient and modern people enjoyed scaring themselves with things in the sky! Costumes for ages 12 and under welcome, treats available after the show.

Presented by Chris Bero