Category: Uncategorized
S21 Direct Drive – Part 18 & 19
Our new society website is live!
Welcome to VBAS’s new website! Developed in collaboration with a talented class of students at UAH, this new service is now in operation to benefit VBAS membership and the general public.
If you’d like to visit the legacy website, click here. It will be online for a while longer, though it will not be receiving news and event updates.
If you have any suggestions for the new site, please click here to contact us!
Click here to view credits for the class at UAH.
S21 Direct Drive – Part 17
July 2021 Member Meeting
We have resumed monthly in-person Society meetings (no planetarium shows, just yet).
Join us for our July monthly Society meeting in-person at the Planetarium on Friday, July 16th at 7:30 PM (7:00 PM for pizza!). Our program will by presented by Frank Schenck, VBAS Director of Facilities and Equipment, and will be about Lunar and Planetary Photography.
We will also broadcast the meeting via Zoom. Link to the meeting:
Watch July’s recorded meeting here:
As we currently have suspended our public activities, including planetarium shows and outreach events we have put together a brief video tour of the September night sky for your enjoyment. We hope to be able to explore the universe with you in person soon but until then we will have to do so virtually.
June Virtual Member Meeting
The June monthly member meeting will by presented by Peggy Walker online at 7:30pm on June 19th!
Weekly Planetarium Shows Cancelled
Updated November 2021.
Shows will reopen in December
Our weekly Saturday night planetarium shows are resuming on December 4th! Masks required indoors.
April Virtual Monthly Meeting
While April’s monthly member meeting has been cancelled due to our current policy for in-person events, the guest presentation has moved online!
Join us an learn about “The Art of Solar Astrophotography Using Narrowband Imaging” with Joe Matus, a local NASA engineer who is sharing insights to the hardware, software, and process of photographing our nearest star.
The Art of Solar Astrophotography Using Narrowband Imaging (Final)