
June Virtual Member Meeting

The June monthly member meeting will by presented by Peggy Walker online at 7:30pm on June 19th!


Library Home Delivery

VBAS members! Our librarian, Jeff Bennett, is now offering Home Delivery of our VBAS library books!
Browse the VBAS Library’s online catalog
Then, email Jeff B. at with your requested books. Read below for details:
  • Must be a member in good standing. (Want to renew? Click Here. )
  • Each household may borrow up to 5 books for up to 90 days. Borrowers must be home to receive books. Jeff will coordinate delivery with you in advance.
  • Jeff will deliver and pick up on the first Saturday of the month, as long as stay at home orders are in place.
  • Jeff will wear a mask and be healthy (or, he won’t run the service).
  • Books will be in quarantine for one month between check outs.
  • Books will be in a plastic bag and only be handled by Jeff while wearing plastic gloves/mask.
  • Orders will be filled on a first-come, first served basis.

Weekly Planetarium Shows Cancelled

Updated November 2021.

Shows will reopen in December

Our weekly Saturday night planetarium shows are resuming on December 4th! Masks required indoors.



April Virtual Monthly Meeting

While April’s monthly member meeting has been cancelled due to our current policy for in-person events, the guest presentation has moved online!

Join us an learn about “The Art of Solar Astrophotography Using Narrowband Imaging” with Joe Matus, a local NASA engineer who is sharing insights to the hardware, software, and process of photographing our nearest star.

The Art of Solar Astrophotography Using Narrowband Imaging (Final)


Night at the Observatory

VBAS is pleased to announce a new program that provides guests an opportunity to direct an observing session using the historic Swanson 21” telescope with a modern digital camera. Our Night At The Observatory is a personalized program that allows small groups to experience an evening of observing deep-sky objects of their choice. And the fun doesn’t end when the night is done because at the end of the evening you will take home the images acquired during your observing session. A VBAS certified operator will assist in target acquisition and imaging and can make suggestions for interesting deep-sky objects to discover.

Your Night At The Observatory requires no prior training or experience with telescopes. You will learn some of the fascinating history of the observatory and how to operate the large telescope. Contact Jeff Delmas, Observatory Director, to book your own Night At The Observatory. See the file below for details and prices.