Planetarium Shows

April 2023 Shows

All planetarium shows begin at 7:30pm. Admission opens at 7:00pm. Telescope viewing afterwards on clear nights

April 1 – The Moon

All about our natural satellite, the Moon, and how it is unusually large for a small planet like Earth, and how its origin may have been much different from the 214 other moons in our solar system.  Also a discussion of all the various interesting features on the Moon, even visible even in a small telescope and how they probably were formed.

Presented by Frank Schenck

April 8 – The Sun! and the April 8, 2024 Eclipse

Once again, the path of a total solar eclipse will cross the United States, this time on April 8, 2024, moving from the Southwest to the Northeast. Unlike the 2017 total solar eclipse, the 2024 path of totality will touch larger population areas, and has the potential to reach two and a half times the number of people. This talk will review what we know about the Sun, discuss why we have eclipses, what is seen during a total solar eclipse, how to safely view solar eclipses, and how to find resources. Finally, we will look at NASA’s evolving plan for the eclipse.

Presented by Mitzi Adams

April 15 – Separated at Birth?

People often trace their family’s history to learn where they came from and find long-lost (hopefully wealthy) relatives.  Ever wonder about the origin of our Solar System?  Where was the Sun born? 
Does our Sun have siblings and where are they now?  Join us as we take a fascinating journey through deep time in search of our Sun’s birthplace and her long lost-siblings.

Presented by Eric Silkowski

April 22 – Kids Night at the Planetarium

Bring your kiddos out for a night at the planetarium specifically for them. We will learn about the moon and try some fun activities for the young (or young at heart).

Presented by Delisa Collette

April 29 – Radio Observatories

We’ll be taking a look at radio telescopes of the past, present, and future. Radio telescopes have some very interesting designs and have made some extremely important discoveries. Radio Astronomy is even in VBAS’ near future. They’ll be opportunities for you to participate if you are interested.

Presented by Gena Crook